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Sunday, March 17, 2013

[#leadership - 01] Pope next door

I always pay attention to leadership styles. The recent proclamation of Jorge Mario Bergoglio [1] as new Pope made me think a lot.
He comes after a Pope, Benedetto XVI [2],  generally perceived as politically "strong" but formal, little effective in terms of communication.
When the offer, that of Catholic Church, has such a spiritual feature, the personal brand of its leader is pretty much connected to his ability to inspire people (the demand). This goes further from just being an example to people. I think it's about being able to talk to people's soul.
And this is not just a managerial skill you can train. If you want this feature to work in the long term, it must be credible. How can you have that with such a demand of change and modernization?
It sounds like the Church had needed some radical innovation. The first sample of it was former Pope's resignation: a clear sign of change and a very effective communication (his worth).
And there it comes Pope Francesco, a Jesuit, a soldier.
He looks like the less rhetorical leader ever seen. Even if he says very serious things (such as: the "Lord never gets tired of forgiving, people get tired of asking for forgiveness"), he sounds credible because talks as if he were really and simply taking care of you, greeting with a "have a nice Sunday and a good lunch".
He doesn't wait for souls to look for him, he goes among people, breaking any protocol [3], and gathers people'souls by himself (a Jesuit!).
No ostentation (no golden cross, no throne, no flagship car, etc) but simplicity.
It looks like he wants to shorten the distance between the institution and the people they want to represent and inspire. Even his choice of "Francesco", as his name, is a strong "political" one. Who's closer to people than Saint  Francis?
When he gives his silent benediction in respect of atheistic people and when he asks people to pray for him he gives a message of respect and tolerance.
When he was announced as the new Pope he silently prayed for many seconds [4]. And, silently, the huge crowd in front of him followed. Words are useful to express feelings. But silence expresses emotions.

In conclusion, if this new Pope is not a genius of marketing, he's the most effective communicator I've ever seen and the perfect answer to a Demand (that of credibility, spirituality, simplicity, respect, tolerance, sensitivity, inspiration, trust) craving for change and a real, strong leadership. He also is the confirm of the potential of communication. And he's creating huge expectations.

I think any responsible manager should reflect on his leadership by example, based on credible and evocative communication.


PS: thanks Monica!


  1. ho scoperto una tua maturata idea di evangelica ispirazione: papa Francesco come Gesù leader ship
    di tale comunicazione.
    Apprezzo e condivido il tuo pensiero

    1. Non parlerei proprio di "evangelica ispirazione" :-)
      Solo una riflessione sullo stile di comunicazione.
      Gesu' Cristo e' stato un leader politico grazie a capacita' di comunicazione estremamente efficaci.
      Credo che anche oggi ci sia una forte domanda popolare di leader capaci, con la comunicazione, di dare sollievo a una domanda di speranza latente e forte.
      Suggerisco la visione di un film recentissimo "Viva la liberta'" di Roberto Ando', con uno straordinario Toni Servillo.


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