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Tuesday, April 1, 2014

[#innovation - 07] Do not fear change.

Companies, like people, while growing and maturing, tend to develop habits.
Habits are part of a natural process through which we continuously learn to better do what we already can do.
Habits are comforting, because they give us the illusion the world around us won't change.

Companies, like people, are nevertheless daily exposed to an external context which is continuously changing.
And they have to (or can) promptly act to take the most advantage out of the opportunities these external contexts offer them.

If companies and people want to prosper, they both need not to fear change.

I suggest having a look at +Denise Jacobs TED entitled "Transmuting Fear"

1 comment:

  1. La vita è una cosa complicata, fatta di gesti, scelte, rinunce, asimmetrie, punti di vista. La vita è fatta dal coraggio delle persone e dalla loro coscienza.


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